A Very Merry Mixed-Up Christmas

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A Very Merry Mixed-Up Christmas


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What a delightful time! Snowflakes, presents and poodles. Poodles? Why, of course.
In a Very Merry, Mixed-Up Christmas, you’ll experience the excitement that the holidays hold, the angst that Santa feels when Elfluenza strikes, the combined efforts of all the creatures of the North Pole to keep Christmas on track and a very unexpected and delightful present. An activity section in the back of the book provides amusement for ‘good little girls and boys.’ This is a wonderful Christmas story for kids. As a read-aloud for younger children. Independent reader for those in grades 1+.

About the Author

Chrysa Smith

So who is Chrysa Smith? Let’s see– I’ve been writing freelance magazine features for over 20 years–on everything from celebrity chefs and resorts to homing pigeons and pot-bellied pigs.

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